Some implants are very small in size and some are much larger. Some implants are made of a strongly magnetic metallic material surrounded by a ô fatty ô material. Possibly to stop the body rejecting or reacting to the implant.
Positioning of the implant varies from case to case. Some in the skull and brain regions, near the ear, front or rear lobe of the brain and in the sinus cavity. Others implanted in the limbs or stomach regions. Abductees explain how these implants are inserted into their body. Some have their eye ball removed, and a long needle type probe inserts the implant deep into their brain. Others recall ô injections ô implanting objects under their skin or into the stomach.
Another scenario put forward is that the implants will be used to inform, or suddenly alert the Abductee to a major change of events due to happen at some time in the future. Advanced knowledge and an understanding of the event will be activated through the implant. Hence the Abductee will have a full understanding of reasoning and actions to be taken at this time.
Or, the implants may be inserted into the humans selected by the Aliens as " Hybrid baby incubaters ". The implants may alter and adjust the flow of hormomes required to develop the special needs of the young Alien Fetus. The connection between the pituitary and pancreas is direct, and the implant in the left thumb of Carol may have a ' sympathetic ' or ' harmonic ' relationship with the others.
Carol knew she was pregnant. She said that just before the abortion was due to be undertaken, ôtheyö returned and removed the fetus from her.
Carol has had several Alien experiences throughout her life, but the most significant was the implantation of devices into her body.
She went to see her local family doctor. She had explained to him the real reasons why she was ill, and of her connection with Alien beings and what they had done to her. This doctor did not want to hear about her story. He would talk about anything else, but not of the Alien contacts and implant. Carol was seen as a schizophrenia.
She was hospitalised for four days. Heavily seduced on drugs, and given no other medical examinations or appropriate treatment during her stay in hospital. She was apparently not regularly checked by medical staff, but hospitalised and forgotten. When eventually checked upon, she was found to have fallen out of bed onto the floor. The television set at her bedside had fallen onto her legs. Her leg was turning black due to lack of blood circulation. The doctor that found her in this condition stated that because of the condition of her leg, she must have been in that position for at least 36 hours. ( it is a long time to be unattended in hospital isnÆt it ? Ed.)
Her written complaints to the medical board and authorities were ignored.
Her constant vigil with local medical people saw arrangements made to have another æ cat scan æ, this time on the most sophisticated machine available in Australia.
The waiting list for patients is 18 months for this hi-tech cat scan, Carol only had to wait six weeks, she was obviously seen as a priority.
Carol underwent this Hi-tech cat scan, a two hour vigil. Upon completion, Carol asked doctors for the results, and was refused a discussion on the matter. Carol decided to act alone and walked into the x-ray viewing room. A private ô Doctors Only ô area. Her x-rays were lined up on the viewing light, and she had a quick look at them before being quickly ushered out of the room and told ô you should not be in here ô. Carol told the doctor that she had seen enough anyway. She could see the close ups of the implant in her head.
She remembered walking from room to room through doorways, none of which close, up a stairway and onto a narrow walkway with railings that curved around the wall of the craft. From this walkway you overlooked down onto the centre of the craft.
Carol describes the layout of this lower level area as looking like a circular area covered with ô water ô very smooth in appearance. There were walkways or ô bridges ô radiating outward from the centre and was very geometric in design.
Carol felt a close affinity with the children, and know she had a motherly connection with them. ô I know my babies are there, but I do not know which one is mine ô Carol emotionally conveys.Some of the children had very fine white hair, and some had on hair at all. They had an expressionless look on their very pale faces. They did not have rosy cheeks like normal children. They were small and thin but appeared happy. Carol explained that they ô looked different ô. They had high foreheads but looked ô really cute ".
They were playing with a ô plasma ball ô. They would throw it to each other, and it would appear to just float through the air changing shape when caught.
The other humans did not communicate among themselves. It was as if they knew that they were there for one purpose only, to view their children.
The Nursery of children was supervised by a tall human looking lady. She had long black hair, beautiful features and dressed in a long white gown. After a short while the tall lady quietly ushered the children away through a doorway. The group on the viewing platform then began to walk away.
The human guests were not supervised at this stage, they just knew what to do and where to go. Carol began to feel frustrated, she wanted to speak to someone and find out more, but there was no one around.
The second is in the pancreas.
The third, and most interesting is in the pituitary gland cavity in the centre of the skull.
This looks like a small rectangular ô bottle æ with a short neck. ( a computer æ chip æ Ed.)